Friday, January 16, 2009

Florida Cold- Homeless Need

This just came in through email from a friend of someone working at the homeless shelter at St. Vincent de Paul. 


“I need a blanket.”

We were serving food to the homeless at the Sophie Sampson center last night and this simple request from a homeless man could not be answered. It is going to get colder over the next several days. Anything you can donate is appreciated. Please forward this email to anyone who may want to help.

We are collecting blankets and adult sized warm clothing (jackets, sweatshirts, winter hats) for the homeless and will be distributing them at the Sophie Sampson Center of Vincent DePaul tonight after the homeless feeding. If you have anything, it would be greatly appreciated.

There are approximately 200-250 people who come to the Sophie Sampson center every night for a meal. Serving meals at the center has made me realize that the stereotypes we have of our homeless population do not apply to the majority. Many of the homeless are our elderly, our veterans, our retirees who have no other option. The majority of them are so grateful for the food that is provided. Serving at the center given us a new appreciation for food, shelter, and warm clothing.

Call Stacey & Dave to arrange drop off
(727) 612-1163

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