Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I am very excited about an opportunity that we have here at CC St. Pete to participate in the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class started by the  U.S. Center for World Mission - a non-denominational ministry that works with churches, mission agencies, and campus ministries around the world.  The class begins with understanding the biblical mandate for missions and outreach by looking through scripture and identifying a common theme throughout the entire Book, moves on to the spread of Christianity, transitions to the early church movements, and the modern missionary movement.  It climaxes in the modern missionary movement and finishes with a fantastic challenge on how to finish the task of world evangelism.  This course will energize you, will move your heart and will impact your life for eternity.  Check out some of the videos on this link:  http://www.perspectives.org/site/c.eqLLI0OFKrF/b.3083863/k.C060/Experience_a_class.htm

The class starts January 18th, stop by the booth in the lobby for more details. 

The 16 core ideas of Perspectives are:

1. God initiates and advances work in history to accomplish His purpose.

2. God calls His people to join Him in fulfilling His purpose.

3. God's purpose is to bless all peoples so that Christ will be served and glorified among all peoples.

4. God accomplishes His purpose by triumphing over evil in order to rescue and bless people and to establish His kingdom rule throughout the earth.

5. The Bible is a unified story of God's purpose.

6. God's work in history has continuity and will come to an ultimate culmination.

7. The Christian movement has brought about positive social transformation.

8. The mission task can and will be completed.

9. The world's population can be viewed in terms of people groups.

10. The progress of world evangelization can be assessed in terms of church-planting movements within people groups.

11. Completing the mission task requires the initiation and growth of church-planting movements that follow social avenues of influence.

12. Completing the task requires effective cross-cultural evangelism that follows communication patterns within cultures.

13. Completing the task requires strategic wholism in which community development is integrated with church planting.

14. Completing the task requires collaborative efforts of churches and mission agencies from diverse cultures and traditions.

15. God calls His people to embrace strategic sacrifice and suffering with Christ in order to accomplish His global purpose.

16. By participating in the world Christian movement, every believer can find a way to live with vital, strategic significance in God's global purpose.


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